'Growing Light' was showing at Skar Image Lab from 7-28 June 2023, as part of the Auckland Festival of Photography. Jenny Tomlin was one of four artists nominated, and subsequently received the Festival's "Late Harvest Established Exhibitor Award 2023".
"These photographic exposures are made over hours or weeks. Combining primitive photographic processes - solargraphy and lumen, there is also an emphasis on involving the environment and using plants or the tide as mark makers rather than as the subject. I want to show an accumulation of time - what disappears or remains.
It’s important that the film and paper are well past their use-by-date and have started to chemically break down. Revealing these latent changes and the reactions with the new image extends the time period and enlivens the object." - Jenny Tomlin, May 2023.
All images are in 2 edition sizes:
Editions of 5 at the large size unframed (on display). Framing Service available upon request (contact us).
- Editions of 10 at a smaller size 300mm x rest in pro. Unframed smaller size all $345.
All printed as pigment ink prints on Semi Gloss, 100% Cotton Rag, 310gsm, no optical brightener.
@jenny_camera_obscura | jennytomlin.co.nz